The ending week was somewhat disappointing, "somewhat" is quite an understatement because the week's events were if anything depressing.
But those bad pieces of news seems to be good news, that God has something better than that for me. ( This just reminds me of the story of Abraham and Abimelech, God prevented Abimelech from sinning by making sure he did not touch Sarah. God has various ways of keeping us from places we should not be or companies we should not keep).
Genesis 28 & 29, The story of Jacob and his wives, how Jacob had to run away from his home, spend the night in the open with a stone for a pillow and later been tricked by Laban. Bad news that some what resulted into blessings for him, the most significant (according to me) been the time had a dream and God affirmed His promises to him, and Jacob made a promise to that God will be his God if He will be with Him. It may have been a cold night, but it significance resounds to this day.
This reminds me of post election violence in Kenya, this deadly incident has served to make Kenyans more respectful, more tolerant and more patriotic (Kenyans for Kenyans project as an example of a more united Kenya, the new constitution and the evident determination not to go that route again). Bad events that will make us reap good rewards now and for generations to come.
Matthew 9:18-38, this particular passage records several miracles that Jesus performed; Raising of the ruler's dead girl, healing of the woman with the issue of blood, healing of the two blind men and the casting out of the dumb demon from a man. The events that had happened to this particular persons were bad news to them and their family, death and disability are very paining and saddening experiences. But by allowing Jesus into their situations, the bad news was transformed to good news, to them and for the kingdom of God.
We desire a better Kenya, better life, we need to allow Jesus to take charge of our lives, and we shall rejoice in His deliverance.
Psalm 11, no matter what happens, or threatens to happen, we can always take refuge in our Lord. As elections comes this year, our country is safe in Him, our economy is safe, even if all went wrong, our lives are safe and secure in Him.
Proverbs 3:11-12, even when we pain because of God's discipline, it is still good news "because the LORD disciplines those He loves, as a father the son he delights in".
Today the focus is on praying for the country:
DAY 7 January 15, 2012
Genesis 28:1 - 29:35, Matthew 9:18-38, Psalm 11:1-7, Proverbs 3:11-12
•Pray for the people of Kenya,
•A change of culture of impunity from families to institutions
•Pray for the knowledge of God to be upon the people of Kenya
•Pray that Christians will be salt and light of the world
•Pray that God will turn people from wickedness
•Pray against the strongholds and altars of Satan and that God will build His altars.
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